Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Answer 9: Largess

"More out of curiosity than anything, is there a certain etiquette to inner Kingdom relations where largesse is concerned? What is generally considered "good" largesse? What is usually a good goal toward making sure you have enough largesse? Are you supposed to give something to whatever other Crown you meet or is it a War thing? (ie, you're at their War, give them something or they are at your War, give them something!)"

This is a very good question, and I don't have an answer for. I believe it is good taste that you have largess for any visiting Royalty regardless if you are visiting them, or they are visiting you. But I could be wrong. I'm hoping my Thegn's will help me with this.

What is considered "good" largesse is also uncertain to me. I don't believe it has to be anything grand and spectacular. It could be for the individual, or for the Kingdom they are from. I think I remember one Kingdom donating purple and gold fabric to us to use as war tabbards, but I could be wrong.

I have also heard of some Crowns giving "lands" to other Kingdom's Crown. For example, giving one acre of land outside of Forgotten Sea to the King and Queen of the Outlands. It's nothing in reality, but the gesture and schtick is there. I believe Elvis's Graceland is unofficially part of Calontir because of a similar situation. But that may be Calon Legend.

To make sure we have enough Largess, would be to have largess competitions, or events. But other than that, I am pretty uncertain about the whole Largesse issue. I hope to learn more about it before it's too late.

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