Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Answer 10: First Order of Business

"What do you think/feel would be your first order of business as a newly Crowned King? or a newly Crowned Prince?"

Definitely banishment of certain people who annoy me. Yeah!

Ok, seriously. I have thought about this, and I don't really know for sure. Whenever I think about it, I remember something HG Kensor said once when asked about his feelings on his reigns. He said (and I'm drastically paraphrasing) that his first reign he really didn't know what he was doing, so he didn't want to do anything to screw things up. He was just along for the ride and to gain experience. For his second reign, he had an idea what it was like, and he had some things he wanted to do. Since he had that first reign under his belt, he had a better idea what he could do and couldn't do, and what obstacles he may face.

I feel that is pretty good logic. I'm going to assume that I'm not going to be a popular King anyway, so I don't really want to piss people off more than necessary. I'm not saying I'm going to be a pushover, but I don't think I want to openly and aggressively change things that might not be popular opinion.

However, one thing that I feel strongly about because I am a parent is activities for minors at events. I would want to make a change to Kingdom Law that if there are no youth activities scheduled at a event, no fee should be charged to minors. I think it is unfair for parents and children to pay to come to an event, but then have nothing for the children to do. This would be like charging admission for your children to go to a movie, and have them stare at a blank screen. I hope this would encourage groups to plan more children's activities, and thus get kids interested in the SCA at an earlier age. Maybe even promote some kid oriented events.

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