Friday, September 28, 2007

Question 1.3 & Goal

1.3) After the discussion on money, have you had a better chance to figure out how much money you need to have for your reign? Are you saving money for it?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Clothing Goal

So, did you make an outfit or at least part of an outfit for the month of September? :) If so, where are the pics?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Question 17

I'm going to start this question by saying it was prompted by reading through SCA Crowns. There is a lot of information on that page that might shed another light on the subject matter at hand.

You were seneschal for roughly 3 years. From what I've read or found thus far, being Crown is that responsibility times a factor of 10. I encourage you to answer the question before reading the above page, then to read the above page and see if your answer differs.

17) How do you see the responsibility of Crown and your abilities of maintaining an even keel without becoming overwhelmed?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Answer 10: First Order of Business

"What do you think/feel would be your first order of business as a newly Crowned King? or a newly Crowned Prince?"

Definitely banishment of certain people who annoy me. Yeah!

Ok, seriously. I have thought about this, and I don't really know for sure. Whenever I think about it, I remember something HG Kensor said once when asked about his feelings on his reigns. He said (and I'm drastically paraphrasing) that his first reign he really didn't know what he was doing, so he didn't want to do anything to screw things up. He was just along for the ride and to gain experience. For his second reign, he had an idea what it was like, and he had some things he wanted to do. Since he had that first reign under his belt, he had a better idea what he could do and couldn't do, and what obstacles he may face.

I feel that is pretty good logic. I'm going to assume that I'm not going to be a popular King anyway, so I don't really want to piss people off more than necessary. I'm not saying I'm going to be a pushover, but I don't think I want to openly and aggressively change things that might not be popular opinion.

However, one thing that I feel strongly about because I am a parent is activities for minors at events. I would want to make a change to Kingdom Law that if there are no youth activities scheduled at a event, no fee should be charged to minors. I think it is unfair for parents and children to pay to come to an event, but then have nothing for the children to do. This would be like charging admission for your children to go to a movie, and have them stare at a blank screen. I hope this would encourage groups to plan more children's activities, and thus get kids interested in the SCA at an earlier age. Maybe even promote some kid oriented events.

Answer 9: Largess

"More out of curiosity than anything, is there a certain etiquette to inner Kingdom relations where largesse is concerned? What is generally considered "good" largesse? What is usually a good goal toward making sure you have enough largesse? Are you supposed to give something to whatever other Crown you meet or is it a War thing? (ie, you're at their War, give them something or they are at your War, give them something!)"

This is a very good question, and I don't have an answer for. I believe it is good taste that you have largess for any visiting Royalty regardless if you are visiting them, or they are visiting you. But I could be wrong. I'm hoping my Thegn's will help me with this.

What is considered "good" largesse is also uncertain to me. I don't believe it has to be anything grand and spectacular. It could be for the individual, or for the Kingdom they are from. I think I remember one Kingdom donating purple and gold fabric to us to use as war tabbards, but I could be wrong.

I have also heard of some Crowns giving "lands" to other Kingdom's Crown. For example, giving one acre of land outside of Forgotten Sea to the King and Queen of the Outlands. It's nothing in reality, but the gesture and schtick is there. I believe Elvis's Graceland is unofficially part of Calontir because of a similar situation. But that may be Calon Legend.

To make sure we have enough Largess, would be to have largess competitions, or events. But other than that, I am pretty uncertain about the whole Largesse issue. I hope to learn more about it before it's too late.

Answer 8: Retinue

"What do you see as the role of retinue? What do you see is a reasonable retinue number? Who would you include in retinue? (This is a general question, not "who" specifically. ie, someone to do this, or someone to do that, etc.)"

The role of the retinue is to support the Crown, and to make sure everything runs smoothly. This could be from keeping the Crown's schedule and making sure they are where they need to be on time to hauling, setting up, and keeping track of the Regalia. Plus the retinue are the ones who stand with you in court as Champions, guards, ladies-in-waiting, heralds, etc. Basically, your entourage. :)

I would want someone in my retinue who is interested in seeing how things are done and who will give me their best. I would want people who have never been on retinue to get a chance if they want it. Of course, I'd prefer the Chamberlaine or someone who has done it before, so we are not all completely lost.

I would prefer people I knew, but it would not be a requirement. It would be a good chance to get to know someone. Someone who I think is cool, or shows promise, or someone I just want to get to know and think will do a good job, and most importantly, enjoy it.

There has been discussion on the amount of people in the retinue. You want a large enough number so that it does not tax people to travel every weekend. But you don't want too large a number that it's a hassle to keep people and things organized. I would think around ten or so would be efficient, depending on their activity. But I will have to feel that out more as the time gets closer. Things change, and people's lives change.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Question 16.1

What does it mean to you to have a "Japanese reign" in the SCA?

I have seen varying amounts of this at different times. Do all courts happen on the floor? Does your Queen speak? (These are extreme examples I've witnessed.)

Scrolls, customs, etc. of the Japanese that fit in an SCA context? Or are you going for a Japanese person who suddenly is in charge of a Western court?

Question 14.1

Kirstyn asks about "royal advisors" from the peerages. In my experience, recently some Crowns have appointed something like a peerage liaison (which I've been reading as kind of like the Fyrd liaison) to each of the peerages, but I don't know anything about royal advisors from each of the peerages. She may be talking about Thegns, which are advisors that the crown chooses for their reign. They are not necessarily peers. Sometimes they are previous monarchs, but sometimes they are just general populace members that that particular Crown thinks would be helpful. Thegns are registered in the OP (you can find a list of former ones there) because for the duration of the reign, they have grant-level status (see this site directly under the grant of arms heading for some more info). Not everyone has them, and some have lots. :o)

So, who would you consider to be your Thegn/s?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Answer #7: Consort Criteria

"7) What do you see as necessary criteria for your Crown "significant other"? Optional? Best case scenario?"

I assume you mean Consort here. I think the first criteria is that we get along, and work well together. If we can't get along, then everything else will be harder. I feel it best that we are of like mind. We don't have to agree on everything, but at least understand each other.

The second criteria is that she is knowledgeable of the SCA and how things are done. Best case scenario is that she was Queen once before. I think it'd be easier if one of us has done it before so we both are not stumbling around. But I plan on having good advisers so it shouldn't be a problem. I just think it might make it easier.

Lastly I'd want her to have a strong personality. So that she'd enjoy herself, and be able to be a good queen without doubting herself, or letting criticism bother her. She'd have to be kind, and able to deal with various types of people, including myself. :)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Question 16

You're a Japanese persona. You've indicated that you'll have a Japanese reign. Or has that yet to be completely determined? Would your consort have to be Japanese also if they aren't already? If you determine you don't want to do Japanese, what would you do instead?

Question 15 and then some...

Spring Crown Tournament is 8 months away.

You've indicated that you're wanting to make a new set of garb a month until Crown. Are there any other goals for 'stuff' that you're considering? Are you wanting a new fighting kit? Different weapons? Upgrade your tent/camp aspect? I don't know what is involved in Regalia or what is available, but is there anything you're wanting to suppliment your stuff with? Do you have ideas for 'gifts' for the populous that could be worked on in these intervening months?