Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Finding a Consort

When I started down this path, I did not have a specific consort lined up. Since I was not seeing anyone, I had a few ideas of friends I could ask who I'd be comfortable with and think would do a good job. But I had put off asking them until it was more appropriate. Then life throws me a curve ball. A very lovely curve ball.

When I started this, I didn't have a Lady, now with some amazing luck, I do. Here is the dilemma. I would want to sit on the throne with her, but she is new to the SCA, joining last summer. We've talked, and she even has said she doesn't want to be Queen right now cause she is still new. But I don't feel comfortable fighting for anyone else right now since my heart and sword belong to her.

The dilemma is do I bow out of fighting this time and wait until she is ready, or stay the path I've chosen and fight for someone else? To make things more complicated, she has said she doesn't want me to quit because of her not being ready. But I don't see it as quitting, but just postponing. I don't know if I could fight for anyone else anyway. I probably could for a really close friend, but that limits my previous options. Plus, anyone else I fight for, my Lady would have to approve of and be comfortable with.

So, for those who might read this, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. What would you do?

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Friday, January 4, 2008

My new blog...

I have created a new blog and will hopefully keep it up to date. It will act like a journal of my stuff in the SCA as I tackle projects, including getting ready for Crown. If you are interested, check it out here, or there is a link on the side of the page.

I will also be updating this blog shortly. Just too many irons in the fire right now, not enough time for all of them.


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